Keeping It Real Series: Parenting 3-Year-Old’s

Little boy running, muddy from playing in the dirt | Mandy's Party Printables | A Guide to Half-E Homemaking

Little boy running in dirt and mud | Parenting Tips for Moms of 3-Year-Olds | Mandy's Party Printables | A Guide to Half-E Homemaking

As you get to know me a bit better, you will see that I have the corner on the sarcasm market. I see the humor in almost every situation, in fact, it seems to be my coping mechanism for life. That and eating good food. But, that is a whole other discussion. I also love to keep it real.

Here is my first installment in my “Keeping it Real Series”. You might guess that one part of it is a bit unreal but stay with it. You’ll get past the “my child is practically perfect in every way IG post” part and get to the Keeping it Real portion.


Keeping it Real: 3-Year-Olds

I just love my children. They are cherubic angels. Tate is turning into such a wonderful little 3-year-old. He cooks 8-course dinners daily (and he cleans the kitchen too!). He makes everyone’s bed every morning. Plus, he has been riding his cute little two-wheeler without training wheels for 1 whole week now, and we are teaching him how to drive the car now. He always asks for more vegetables at dinner time, and he is writing sonnets. Today, he even balanced my checkbook for me!

But, we have been having a few issues when it comes to mess making.

Case in Point:

1. We were at our friends, the Flinders, playing today when I looked out the back window to see ALL the boys playing in the super fun mud bog. They were up to their knees in mud. And there is Tate, standing stark naked in the mud bog.

2. After a strong talking to, a spray down with the hose, and a bath, Tate was playing with Remy outside in our backyard. I was doing laundry in the laundry room when I hear Remy yelling, “No Tate you’re going to flood the house!!!!!” I come running into the kitchen to find Tate watering our dining room with the hose.

3. While I am cleaning up the flood I look outside and see Tate peeing by the swing set.

4. After dinner, we were cleaning up and I saw Tate pouring his glass of water onto his plate.

Yes, folks, he is giving me a run for my money. But then, at bedtime, he shares his blanket with me while I rub his back and then rubs my back while I rub Remy’s back. Then I look into those big blue eyes and forgive him for everything. Almost. Just keeping it real.


Speaking of keeping it real, read about how my husband saved our marriage with a phone charger.


Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram for all the latest buzz. Get all the tips for successful Half-E Homemaking!

Mandy's Party Printables

A Guide to Half-E Homemaking

Little boy running in dirt and mud | Parenting Tips for Moms of 3-Year-Olds | Mandy's Party Printables | A Guide to Half-E Homemaking

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