What’s Up with Your Name?

Homemaking What's In a Name PIcture | Mandy's Party Printables

I know what you are thinking: “Mandy, I came here thinking this was a party printables blog, because, well, that is what your name is. So, what’s up with this Guide to Half-E Homemaking?”


It’s true. It’s a little unique. Here is the down-low:


In the Beginning

As a budget-watching mom who does everything a little half-a, I wanted a way to help my home, holiday’s and kid’s parties a little less half-a….maybe like 3/4-a. I also love to try new things. So, I decided to teach myself graphic design on Adobe Illustrator. I wanted to share these printables with all of you, so I started Mandy’s Party Printables. This was great (and still is!!) for a good almost two years.


The Awakening

In February of 2018, I came to a realization; an awakening of sorts. I was only giving half-effort on this homage to my half-a’ery. (Yes, that is a word as of now.) This meh effort isn’t relegated to decorating, holidays, and parties. It spills out into every area of my life! I need to honor this! Therefore my Guide to Half-E Homemaking addition.


Questions Answered

Question: Mandy, if you put forth half-a effort, why is your blog tagline called A Guide to Half-E Homemaking?

Answer: I thought long and hard about this. I really did. You see, the thing is I am religious, and I don’t say swears. Too often. My mom told me not to say bad words. This blog represents me, and I couldn’t in good faith use a naughty word. So, I used another word….effort. Half-effort, or half-e. Is it weird? Probably. Do I care if it’s weird? Nah. I’m cool with it.

Question: Why didn’t you change your blog name if it’s not just printables?

Answer: I’m not sure if I have made this clear enough, but I save my effort for that which is most important. It would have been reaallly hard to change my blog name, LLC, bank account, logo, and everything else I have forgotten at this point. It would also be disingenuine because I do things half-e. (so, I am just lazy. I’m good with admitting it.)


See how my husband saved our marriage with a phone charger here.



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Mandy's Party Printables

A Guide to Half-E Homemaking

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