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Are you ready for the big game?? My boys and husband are, but I’m not. Nope, I haven’t even made my shopping list for the big food game. But, I will tell you what I do have done (and just in time, too!!)….my banner! I have a FREE Printable Football Banner to share with you today!
You know the drill…..
- Click on the link below the picture. A pdf will open with the lovely footballs on it.
- Make sure your printer is at the ready with either cardstock or photo paper (photo paper will be a more professional looking print).
- Print.
- Cut out footballs.
- Using a hole punch (or fork tine if you can’t find the hole punch….again.)
- String up footballs using bakers twine (my favorite kind is here: bakers twine)or dental floss if you can’t find your bakers twine…again.
- Admire your work during the big game between commercials.
Free Printable Football Banner
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